Tips for Reading to Infants & Toddlers

Make it fun and enjoyable.

Read with expression in your voice, and ask your child lots of questions about the story or pictures as you read. This helps to keep them involved in the book.

Incorporate reading into a daily routine

Does your child like to be read to in the morning, after lunch, after dinner, or at bedtime? Make reading something that your child anticipates. However, if your child wants to skip his or her reading sometimes, that is okay too.

Read books about what interests your child.

Is your child excited about something in particular? Try to find books about what interests your child. Take them to the library so they can choose their own books about their favorite subject or find new interests.

Hold your child while you read.

As much as possible, hold or be near your child while you read. Do they have a favorite blanket or toy? If so, incorporate using that favorite item in your reading. For example, try using the blanket to create a fort, or maybe you can read to their favorite stuffed animal.

Don’t force it if your child is not in the mood to read together.

It is okay to stop in the middle of a book and come back to it later.